Smells Like Nephilim, Doesn't It?

One day into another As this quarantine lags on an on But the alternate is worse. The fucktards protesting social distancing Hopefully will cancel themselves out. Amazing, the mentality of the lowest common denominator. I'm gonna write about my LCD theory soon. It's my favorite soap box subject But not today. The sun in shining. Squirrels are chasing each other across the roof above me And it's not that bad. Plus, I have a new obsession. Nice little segue, right? Ha! I've always had an overly bright olfactory bulb. See what I did there? Smell and memory fascinates me. When writing my second book, I was staying at a 500-year-old village chateau in the south of France. Originally, the house was built by the lord of the castle for his favorite mistress. His beloved. And it shows. It's a house built on love. The current owner is carrying on the tradition. To the point where she's made a fragrance for the place. This mixture of frankincense, ger...